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Description AFG XviD Video: 1 027 Kbps FrameRate: 23. 976 MP3 2ch CBR: 128 Kbps Resolution (AR): 640x360 (1. Dit is een lijst met afleveringen van de Amerikaanse televisieserie Breaking Bad. Het vijfde, tevens laatste, seizoen is opgesplitst in twee delen. Een overzicht van alle afleveringen is hieronder te vinden. Subtitles Breaking Bad Pilot subtitles english. Posted on August 12, 2013 in Series Misc, verified Size: 328. 25 MB, Seeds: 0, Peers: 0 ( Updated June 26, 2017 ) Could not find any peer statistics from any tracker. This does not mean the is dead. Episode info: When Jesse goes missing, Walt fears the worst. Skyler has an unlikely reunion. Hank shares some bad news with Detective Tim Roberts. Download Breaking Bad S04E08 Nl subs DutchReleaseTeam from series tv category on Isohunt. Loading Searching for: dutch in. Gus increases his efforts to lure Walt back into business, forcing a rift between Walt and Jesse. Skyler doubts her new relationship. 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