Tour de France 2014 live coverage, including news, results, stage reports, photos, podcasts and expert analysis Il Tour de France 2014, centunesima edizione della Grande Boucle, si svolto in 21 tappe dal 5 al 27 luglio 2014 lungo un percorso di 3 664 km. A vincere per la prima e finora unica. Saturday, July 5th, the 2014 Tour de France starts in Leeds, England. The closing stage, on July 27th, finishes as per usual on the Champs Elysees in Paris. A guide to the prize money on offer in the Tour de France 2014 to winners, finishers and contenders for the main yellow, polkadot, green and white jerseys Telegraph Sport looks at the opening three stages of the 2014 Tour de France. Shop official Le Tour de France merchandise from the official Le Tour de France online store. Shop winners jerseys, team jerseys, official clothing and more Tour de France 2014 var den 101. udgave af Tour de France, med start den 5. juli 2014 i Leeds og ml den 27. 663, 5 kilometer blev krt i 4 lande: Storbritannien, Frankrig, Belgien og Spanien. Tour de France 2014 stage results, general classification, points, mountain and young rider standings, and more Le Tour de France 2014: Le Grand Dpart Leeds, Le Tour Yorkshire, England 5th July, 2014 Duration: 16: 42. Moss Travel Media 35, 533 views Find out the latest news, stage reports, race scores and expert analysis from the 2014 Tour de France Stage 5. com: The world centre of cycling. Travel on a Rick Steves France tour for the very best value in a European vacation. Rick packages all his tours to include small groups, great guides, central hotels, all sightseeing, and memories to last a lifetime. Tour de France kerkpros krverseny 2014. jlius 5n rajtol az angliai Leeds vrosbl, s a 21. szakasz jlius 27n a hagyomnyos prizsi befutval vgzdik. Az tvonalbl 9 sk, 5 kzepes hegyi s 6 hegyi szakasz, 1 egyni idfutammal s kt pihennappal, sszesen 3 664 kilomter. In front of more than 4, 000 spectators, including some who are pretenders for victory, the route for the Tour de France 2014 was unveiled at the Palais des Congrs in Paris. Tour de France 2014 var tann 101. juli Leeds, Strabretland, og endai hin 27. Site officiel de la clbre course cycliste Le Tour de France 2018. Contient les itinraires, coureurs, quipes et les infos des Tours passs. Tour de France 2018 Official site of the famed race from the Tour de France. Includes route, riders, teams, and coverage of past Tours Revivez toutes les tapes du Tour de France 2018 en intgralit sur France tv sport. Cette 105me dition, ce sont galement les missions Vlo Club et le Journal du Tour. De Tour de France is voorbij, de winnaars zijn gehuldigd, maar wat heeft drie weken afzien op de fiets eigenlijk opgeleverd in de portemonnee. les tapes du Tour de France 2014. Tour de France 2017 Histoire du Tour de France de 1947 2017 Tour de France 2017 Dpart Tour de France 2017 de Dsseldorf. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ledicodutour. com, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies pour vous proposer. The Bradley Wiggins Show: Tour win will be bigger than Olympic gold for Geraint Thomas Custom Getaways is the longesttenured official tour operator for the Tour de France14 years! We are also one of two premium level partners. Our experience and relationship with the Tour allow us to offer outstanding VIP access to the race for our guests. Toutes les informations et les rumeurs au sujet du Tour de France 2014: du Grand Dpart au parcours en passant par les quipes participantes et. AFG Tour of France and the 70th DDay Anniversary commemorative services. Le Tour de France The Tour de France is the most prestigious cycling event in the world. Sports Tours International is the official VIP Tour Operator of the Tour de France. Vidos and Gif des Vainqueurs d'tapes Winners of steps du Tour de France 2014. modifier modifier le code modifier Wikidata Le Tour de France 2014 est la 101 e dition du Tour de France. Il s'agit de la 18 e preuve de l' UCI World Tour 2014. ronk nejslavnjho cyklistickho zvodu svta Tour de France. Prvn ti etapy se jely v Anglii. Zvodnci projdli skrze nkter nejvt a historick msta, vetn opevnnho msta York. De Tour de France van 2014 startte op zaterdag 5 juli met een vlakke rit in Leeds en finishte op 27 juli in Parijs. De Tour van 2014 kende n onverval Monday, July 7th Stage 3 of the 2014 Tour de France is the last on English soil. It is a 155 kilometres long flat ride and ends in the capital in the same Tour de France (2014) Photos; Stage 18: Pau Hautacam, 145 km Stage 17 photos: return to: Tour de France 2014 Dashboard Tour de France (2014) photo gallery. Tour de France 2014 Le Tour De France; 50 videos; 14, 162 views; Magazine 100 Tour Yorkshire Stage 1 Leeds Harrogate Grand Dpart du Tour de France 2014 Grand Dpart of The. The Tour de France 2014 route details and map in English Get the latest Tour de France 2014 news in the Calendar region on ITV News. Videos, stories and updates Tour de France (2014) Photos; Stage 16: Carcassonne BagnresdeLuchon, 237 km Stage 15 photos return to: Tour de France 2014 Dashboard Tour de France (2014) photo gallery Stage 17 photos: share this photo All information and specifications shown on this website are based upon the latest available information provided by race organizations, teams and riders. edio do Tour de France foi disputada entre 5 e 27 de julho de 2014. Esta edio comeou em Leeds, West Yorkshire (Reino Unido), onde se realizaram trs etapas, e antes de retornar para a Frana contou com um pdio em Londres. etapa o Tour se transladou a Frana e passa pases vizinhos como Blgica e Espanha. Results of Tour de France General Classification from to, won by Vincenzo Nibali before JeanChristophe Peraud and Thibaut Pinot. Tour de France 2014 route in the UK. The 101st edition of the threeweek race then headed to France, and finished in Paris on Sunday, 27 July after 2, 277 miles and 21 stages, made up of nine flat. Read the latest Calendar stories, Tour de France 2014: History of the tour on ITV News, videos, stories and all the latest Calendar news Direct Tour de France 2018: suivez les 21 tapes en intgralit grce notre dispositif multicam qui vous feront dcouvrir l'tape du jour via les 5 camras moto et arrive. The 2014 Tour de France will have 21 stages covering 3, 656 kilometers, beginning in Harrogate, Yorkshire in Great Britain. This will be a hilly Tour with visits to. Die Tour de France 2014 fand vom 5. Juli 2014 statt und war die 101. Austragung des wichtigsten Etappenradrennens der Welt. Die Tour startete in Leeds und endete nach 21 Etappen traditionsgem auf der Avenue des Champslyses in Paris. Zum zweiten Mal nach 2007 fand der Grand Dpart der Rundfahrt in England statt. Nach den ersten drei Etappen in Grobritannien verlief. De 101e Tour de France startte op 5 juli onder grote publieke belangstelling in Leeds. Drie dagen later verplaatste het circus zich naar het vasteland. Lars Rolling report: Tony Gallopin outfoxed everyone to take his second stage win as the Tour bumped its way through the Jura mountains The 2014 Tour de France was the 101st edition of the race, one of cycling's Grand Tours. The Tour started in Yorkshire, England on 5. The latest Tour de France 2014 articles, galleries videos from Cycling Weekly. Tour de France 2014 on PS4, PS3 and Xbox360 invites you to wear the jersey of the greatest champion cyclists and take part in a 2014 Tour packed with new features. Enter one of the most.