V T E ScoobyDoo! Television Series: ScoobyDoo, Where Are You? The New ScoobyDoo Movies The ScoobyDoo Show Scooby's AllStar LaffALympics ScoobyDoo and ScrappyDoo FANDOM. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki. Get more information about Season 2 on TMDb. When the Mystery Machine runs out of gas, the gang find their way into a seemingly deserted cabin where The Harlem Globetrotters are relaxing and practicing for a big game. The New Scooby Doo Movies Don Knotts looks scared Duration: 2: 46. Lady GaGa Mad Fan 18, 615 views The New ScoobyDoo Movies (TV Series ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. List of The New ScoobyDoo Movies episodes. September 8, 1973 () While intending to go on a trip to Picnic Island, the gang and the Harlem Globetrotters end up on a boat going to the nearby Haunted Island where they are greeted by three hooded ghosts. In 1972, new onehour episodes under the title The New ScoobyDoo Movies were created; Early ScoobyDoo merchandise included a 1973 Milton Bradley board game, decorated lunch boxes, ironon transfers, coloring books, story books. The New ScoobyDoo Movies ( ) Talk about the New ScoobyDoo Movies here. Threads and Posts; Total Threads: 47: Total Posts: 493: On This Board; You cannot create threads. Users Viewing; 0 Staff, 0 Members, 1 Guest. In depth information about ScoobyDoo Meets Jeannie, produced by HannaBarbera Studios. The New ScoobyDoo Movies Episode Guides, Cartoon Characters and Crew Lists The New ScoobyDoo Movies (sometimes called The New ScoobyDoo Comedy Movies)[citation needed is the second incarnation of the longrunning HannaBarbera Saturday morning cartoon ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! It premiered on September 9, 1972 and. The SccobyDoo gang mix it up with stars (real and animated) in hourlong adventures and mysteries. The New ScoobyDoo Movies Episode Guide HannaBarbera 1972 1973. The New ScoobyDoo Movies ( ) ScoobyDoo ( ScoobyDoo). The New ScoobyDoo Movies ( ) online Greek subtitles. Find great deals on eBay for 1973 scooby doo. The New ScoobyDoo Movies ( ) watch cartoons live online. Following the success of ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! , the lilylivered Great Dane and those meddling kids returned in a new s ScoobyAddicts. com is a site all about ScoobyDoo which includes a series guide, episode guide, movies, villains, news, and so much more I loved Scooby Doo Abracadabra Doo, Camp Scare and to an extent Legend of the Phantasour and the other newer direct to video movies. But there has to be some balance between the current writers having their own ideas, and taking some things from past generations of Scooby Doo to create something that people will want to watch. The New ScoobyDoo Movies is the second incarnation of the HannaBarbera Saturday morning cartoon ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! It premiered on September 9, 1972 and ran for two seasons on CBS as the only hourlong ScoobyDoo series. Twentyfour episodes were ultimately produced. Aside from doubling the length of each episode, The New ScoobyDoo Movies differed from its predecessor in. The New ScoobyDoo Movies (September 9th 1972 October 27th 1973) The ScoobyDoo Show (September 1tth 1976 December 23rd 1978) ScoobyDoo and ScrappyDoo (September 22nd 1979 January 5th 1980) The New Scooby and ScrappyDoo Show (September 10th 1983 December 1st 1984) Find great deals on eBay for scooby doo 1973. The New ScoobyDoo Movies is the second TV series in the ScoobyDoo franchise. It premiered on September 9, 1972 and ran for two seasons on CBS as the only hourlong ScoobyDoo series. Twentyfour episodes were ultimately produced (sixteen in and eight more in ). Aside from The New ScoobyDoo Movies is an American animated mystery comedy television series produced by HannaBarbera for CBS. It is the second animated television series in the studio's ScoobyDoo franchise, and follows the first incarnation, ScoobyDoo, Where Are You. Watch The New Scoobydoo Movies Online the new scoobydoo movies The New Scoobydoo Movies ( ) Director: NA Cast: Casey Kasem, Heather North, Don Messick, Frank Welker Watch The New ScoobyDoo Movies ( ) full episodes online Synopsis: Following the success of ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! , the lilylivered Great Dane and those meddling kids returned in a new series for more brushes with the spooky, this time rubbing shoulders with famous celebrities along the way. The show's Don Knotts Playing a character much like his Andy GriffithMayberry persona Harlem Globetrotters basketball team Sonny Cher The New Scooby Doo Movies title cr You will get a notification at the top of the site as soon as the current price equals or falls below your price. You can also optionally receive an email notification (sent only once), this is. Don Knotts Playing a character much like his Andy GriffithMayberry persona Harlem Globetrotters basketball team Sonny Cher The New Scooby Doo Movies title credits guest starring Sonny and Cher The Three Stooges Batman Robin The Addams Family The New Scooby Doo Movies title credits guest starring [ New ScoobyDoo Movies Title Card. In 1972, after 25 halfhour episodes, the program was doubled to a full hour and called The New ScoobyDoo Movies, each episode of which featured a different guest star helping the gang solve mysteries. Among the most notable of these guest stars were The Harlem Globetrotters, the Three Stooges, Don Knotts and Batman Robin, each of whom appeared at least. Watch videoThe New Scooby Doo Movies, made its premiere on CBSTV in September of 1972 and it lasted well on until the fall of 1974. I saw this when I was a kid on Saturday Mornings and I got to see this episodes again when the show aired again in syndication during the 1980's. My Two Cents: One of the best New Scooby Doo movies. Babu is annoying as hell, but Jeannie is a pleasant guest, and the villian is one of the few memorable ones from this era of Scooby episodes. Babu is annoying as hell, but Jeannie is a pleasant guest, and the villian is one of the few memorable ones from this era of Scooby episodes. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for The New ScoobyDoo Movies: The Mystery of Haunted Island (1973) on AllMovie In The Mystery of Haunted Island, Velma. modifier ScoobyDoo (initialement orthographi Scoubidou en France) est une franchise amricaine comprenant de nombreuses sries, tlfilms et films d'animation cre par les studios HannaBarbera. Elle tire son nom de son personnage principal, un grand chien sympathique, gourmand et peureux, cr graphiquement par Iwao Takamoto et apparu pour la premire fois en 1969 aux tats. The New ScoobyDoo Movies is the second incarnation of the HannaBarbera Saturday morning cartoon series ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! It premiered on September 9, 1972 and ran for two seasons on CBS as the only hourlong ScoobyDoo series. Twentyfour episodes were ultimately produced (sixteen in and eight more in ). The New ScoobyDoo Movies is the second incarnation of the HannaBarbera Saturday morning cartoon ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! It premiered on September 9, 1972 and ran for two seasons on CBS as the only hourlong ScoobyDoo series. ScoobyDoo (intro series 2 season 2) 1973 a. The New ScoobyDoo Movies SkullyTheHypnoSkull. The New Scooby Doo Movies damsel 2 ep Sandy Duncan's Jekyll and Hyde Duration: 4: 37. The New ScoobyDoo Movies (soms ook wel The New ScoobyDoo Comedy Movies genoemd) is een Amerikaanse animatieserie en de tweede incarnatie van de HannaBarberaserie ScoobyDoo. 1973 18 ScoobyDoo Meets Jeannie (alias Mystery in Persia) de cast van Jeannie: 15 september, 1973 19 ( 1, 2, 5, 712, 1524) The New ScoobyDoo Movies (episodes 1, 2, 5, 712, 1524) ( ). The New ScoobyDoo Movies SCHEDA PERSONAGGI della Serie 2 del Il Protagonista, ovvero ScoobyDoo, il cane di razza alano e parlante, e i quattro ragazzi; Norville Shaggy Rogers, il ragazzo alto e hippy, che il padrone e soprattutto il migliore amico di ScoobyDoo. Adventure Theme (1: 48) ScoobyDoo ist eine erfolgreiche USamerikanische Zeichentrickserie, The New ScoobyDoo Movies: CBS: 24 Episoden 2 3 The ScoobyDoo Show: ABC: 40 Episoden 3 4 Scooby's AllStar LaffA Lympics: ABC: 24 Episoden 2 5 ScoobyDoo und ScrappyDoo. The New ScoobyDoo Movies (sometimes called The New ScoobyDoo Comedy Movies) is the second incarnation of the HannaBarbera Saturday morning cartoon ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! It premiered on September 9, 1972 and ran for two seasons on CBS as the only hourlong ScoobyDoo series. Watch The New ScoobyDoo Movies ( ) full episodes online Synopsis: Following the success of ScoobyDoo, Where Are You! , the lilylivered Great Dane and those meddling kids returned in a new series for more brushes with the spooky, this time rubbing shoulders with. is the upcoming thirteenth incarnation of HannaBarbera's longrunning TV series ScoobyDoo. This series is technically a revival of The New ScoobyDoo Movies that ran from. Animation, and it will premiere on the Boomerang.